Monday 2 January 2012

About Me - 1st Timer

Sebagai 1st timer dlm blog ini, banyak benda yg perlu dipelajari. Saya  buat Blog ini kerana ingin berkongsi segala yg terkandung dalam hati saya seperti kisah PERCINTAAN,HIDUP,MASALAH(kalau tidak terlalu peribadi),CITA2,KARIER & apa2 yg berkaitan..Segala yg saya rasa akan saya ceritakan jika ia patut dikongsi untuk dijadikan pengajaran atau untuk meringankan fikiran.

Untuk permulaan blog ini. Saya ingin memohon seribu kemaafan sekiranya blog ini membosankan atau tidak ceria seperti blog-blog yg lain kerana saya tidak mempunyai kesempatan untuk menghiasi blog ini disebabkan terlalu sibuk dengan Praktikal. Tetapi saya berjanji akan update dan hiasi blog ini untuk menceriakan pandangan bloger and reader OK (^_____^) <3 <3


It took 22 years to create who I am today. I came bounding into a world of love and laughter. Within these years, I have been given the freedom to explore the world in order to satisfy my curiosity toward all the strange and wonderful things in the world around me. So this me. HEIDY @ HEIDY HONGKI. Hi Friends. Im new in this Blogger site. You guys can call me Heidy or Heidy Hongki. Im just an ordinary boy who love to make friends with all of you because friendship are never end,what  I mean is eternal.
I grew up in a healthy family. I have sisters and a younger brother and this made my childhood days more colorful. I remember when I was a young boy, my parents bought me the doctor equipment toys because my parent want me to become a doctor, but refuse to play it and I asked my mom to buy me story and colouring books .From that day I have been exploring art  and start to draw cartoon by myself. This affected me so much that I insisted to my parents that I also wanted to become a professional artist (in my childhood  dont even know what is graphic design). So I started my art journey and join coloring or drawing¬ competition in kindergarten and  primary.I did not end my  hobby after I went to secondary school. I have joined  inter-school and region competition. Even in form 4, when I was in Science stream class.. I still added Visual Art subject . After all the hardship I went through, success was finally shown in my result.
Besides having flying colors in my activity, I also do well in my studies. I am now pursuing a Diploma In Creative Multimedia in Cybernetics International College of Technology.I am Major in Graphic. After I complete my Diploma, I will have the opportunity to obtain a stable and challenging career in Graphic Design .
I know that the road ahead will not be easy for me, but I cannot stop here. I need to move on in order to reach my goals. My success in the future life in my own hands.

1 comment:

  1. nk komen sikit boleh .... ? nk request boleh??
    ieyka jasmine :P
